DFsources - Remote Source Data Capture
Remote Source Data Verification Made Easy
Submitting source documents to DFdiscover is now easier than ever with DFsources. Whether you are capturing lab reports, ECGs, progress notes, or any other paper or electronic source for remote monitoring, you can take a photo or upload PDFs from your mobile device to DFdiscover in seconds.
Fast, User-Friendly, Mobile Solution
DFsources is a mobile application designed to provide a faster way to upload source documents to your DFdiscover studies and prepare those documents for remote monitoring before sending to the database. Load scanned documents from your device, take photos of paper documents using your camera, redact any personal patient identifiers or other sensitive data, and mark documents as a certified copy of the original.
No more skewed or partially scanned documents, no more incomplete redactions. Now it’s easier than ever to submit source documents for remote monitoring in DFdiscover.
Features and Functions
DFsources provides several features designed to facilitate the upload of accurate and complete documents to your DFdiscover server. This includes the ability to redact sensitive information from documents and mark a document as a certified copy of the original.
Safely hide any sensitive information with the swipe of a finger.
Document your certification that the document is a copy of the original.
Attach documents to any new or existing data record in DFdiscover.
Use your DFdiscover username and password. Two-factor authentication is supported.
Use the camera to take a photo or load files from your device.
Improve image quality with options to digitally flatten, crop, rotate, and adjust brightness.
DFsources also includes: Language support (English, French, Mandarin), quick list of sent documents, passwords and security and an in-app help guide.